1. Start preparing your body for at least three months before embarking to any fertility treatment.
  2. Start taking folic acid (0.4 mg) either alone or as part of a preconception multi-vitamin supplement, for at least 12 weeks before pregnancy. This decreases the possibility of spina bifida by 50-70%. In some women a higher dose (5 mg) may be needed. 
  3. Check your vitamin D level, as suboptimal levels maybe associated with reduced fertility and an increased risk of miscarriage. If you have a known medical condition, such as diabetes or thyroid disease, ensure that are well controlled.   
  4. Adopt a healthy diet. Try to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins (e.g. fish and poultry) and use virgin olive oil in your diet. Maintain good hydration by drinking plenty of water. Avoid exhausting diets before your fertility treatment as this may cause imbalance of the nutrients needed for conception. Reduce the caffeine intake and stop alcohol. 
  5. Stop smoking or/ and recreational drugs. Smoking including e-cigarettes can reduce your fertility and is also associated with a higher miscarriage rate. Furthermore smoking during pregnancy can adversely affect the growth and the development of your baby. The same applies for the use of recreational drugs. 
  6. As part of a healthy lifestyle we advise you to exercise sensibly. Excessive exercise should be limited as it can stop your ovulation. 
  7. Aim for a BMI of 19-25. Being underweight or overweight can interfere with ovulation and affect your fertility.  
  8. Have regular sexual intercourse, every 2-3 days. Avoid lubricants as some may affect the sperm. Bed rest after having sex, orgasm or different sexual positions, neither increase nor decrease your chance of conceiving. 
  9.  Try to get 7-8 hours sleep per night. 
  10.  Try to be relaxed. Many people find it beneficial to adopt techniques that reduce stress such as acupuncture. Remember that getting pregnant is, to some degree, statistics. The chance of conceiving within one year of trying is approximately 80%. The good news is that at least half of you who don’t will be pregnant in the following year. The odds are in your favour!